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Kamis, 29 November 2012

What’s on Ashura?

As has been understood by Muslims, there is a 4 month that mentioned the holy month in the Qur'an as that should not be tainted it purity. It is Zulkaidah, Zulhijjah, Muharram and Rajab.
Probe further the month of Muharram, there are at least two events that often make important attention by Muslims all over the Earth, that is new Hijra anniversary on the 1st of Muharram, as some time ago and the Day of Ashura is celebrated on every 10th of Muharram.
Welcome enthusiastic in this Ashura day, the writer invites readers to review briefly what’s on Ashura and its relationship with Muslims.
According Azh-Zhain bin Al-Mughirah as cited Fir'adi Nasruddin Abu Ja'far (2007), majority opinion said that the definition of Ashura is the tenth day of Muharram, and this opinion is more suitable when viewed from the root and naming.
In an illustrious history, informed that at the beginning of the Prophet Muhammad migrated to Medina saw the Jews fasting the 10th of Muharram.
Rasulullah SAW said, " is this fasting?" The friend replied, "This is the fasting Prophet Saleh AS, also fast on the day on which Allah saved the Children of Israel from their enemies so Prophet Musa fasted." Rasulullah SAW said, "I have more right over Musa than they (the Jews), so the Prophet fasted and ordered (the Muslims) to fast. "(Bukhari).
At first order this fasting is obligatory for the Muslims. Then based on the history of Aisha RA, when the fasting month of Ramadan fasting becomes obligatory, the obligation of fasting was confined to Ramadan alone, while the obligation of fasting on Ashura day eliminated.
Nevertheless, the Prophet remained fasting on Ashura day after the compulsory fasting in Ramadan. Therefore, Muslims should fast that day if he wants to, and may also not fast if he wants to.
Although there is no strong and authentic sources of Islam, already spread some of the legends and myths that invites misunderstanding among Muslims regarding the day of Ashura.
Some things are still a belief is the legend that on the day of Ashura, Prophet Adam was created, on the day of Ashura Prophet Abraham was born, on the day of Ashura Allah SWT accept the repentance of Prophet Ibrahim, on the day of Ashura apocalypse will occur and who is believed to shower on the day of Ashura is not going to be easy disease. All the legends that have absolutely no basis in Islam.
In addition, there is also a group of people (the Shi'ites) were linked to the death of Ashura grandson of Prophet Muhmmad SAW, Husain in Karbala.
As a sign'm sorry for that incident, there are a ritual gathering crying with screaming, briefly praised and briefly cursed and tore up clothes or beat their own chests.
Though Prophet Muhammad forbade his member to do ceremony because of the death in that way, because it is a legacy of action time of ignorance
Prophet said, "It is not including my people who beat his breast, tore his clothes and cried like the people in the time of ignorance."
In addition they also fasted on the day of Ashura, but only until the time of Asr only. This act is definitely an act of heresy, because it was never done and taught by the Prophet Muhammad.
And only on the Day of Ashura that Husayn ibn Ali died in a state of fasting Ashura because when his sister suggested he break his fast on that day, he replied "I will break the fast with datukku Messenger of Allah."
Hopefully this review can inspire and stimulate the spirit of the Prophet menteladani. Allaah knows best.

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